Angela stops by Tia's Pen during her Sins of the Father Blog Tour to share a bit of encouragement.
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. -- Romans 8:28, New Living Translation
This verse from Paul's letter eto the church at Rome has always been one of my favorites. It's an all-purpose verse that I can bring to remembrance when I'm in need of comfort and encouragement. It's also a verse that I oten share with others when they need encouragement.
I see this verse at work in the life of Abraham Martin, one of the main characters in Sins of the Father. Abraham made wrong choices in his life that negatviely affected him and those he loved. And though he tried to make things right, he was unable to set them back the way they were supposed to be.
The essence of Romans 8:28 is that even though we can't always make our wrongs right, if we trust God, He can use our wrongs to bring about good things in us. In Abraham's case, God taught him that the money he valued so much meant very little compared to the love and life of his family.
Abraham is not alone in making a mess of his life and the lives of those he loves. Many of us are in that situation now. Like Abraham, we have to try and make amends. And like Abraham, we have to accept that our efforts might not yield the results we want. Our comfort is in the knowledge that God will use our mess to teach us a lesson that will make our lives richer and our futures brighter.
Prayer: Father God, I've strayed from the path you planned for me and I want to get back on track. Give me the courage to make amends and the strength to accept the consequences of my actions. I thank you that even though I went wrong, the legacy of my wrongs will be a renewed experience of you, your love, and your forgiveness.

But beautiful, manipulative Saralyn will never accept the proof of her husband's indiscretions. Isaac the heir, shaken by his father's revelations, will fight mercilessly when his world is threatened, and may lose everything that matters as a result. And while Abraham's forgotten daughter, Deborah, is open to the undreamed-of possibilities suddenly awaiting her son Michael, cannot forgive the man who cruelly abandoned them to near poverty. And he's driven by one desire: revenge!
Angela Benson's Sins of the Father is a powerful story of a house bitterly divided -- a rich, multilayered family saga of betrayal and redemption, rage and compassion, faith, forgiveness, and ultimately, love.
Tia, thank you for hosting Angela on your blog today.
Okay. I'm following the tour just for the devotional posts. :)
All I can say is amen! Another wonderful devotion. My daily prayers resemble the one you offer up at the end of the devotional.
This was a wonderful way to start the day!
HI Tia, thanks for hosting me today. I still hate that I'll miss your signing this weekend. I know it'll be a wonderful event.
HI Renee, we meet again. As I said yesterday, you have to thank Ty for the devotions. I had never done one before she suggested doing a couple for the tour. I was a bit intimidated but "by the grace of God," I was able to get it done. Thanks for the positive words. I needed the encouragement.
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