Choosing to SEE: A Journey of Struggle and Hope
Throughout the course of the book, the lyrics of some of Steve Curtis Chapman’s songs begin each chapter. It’s obvious that they were carefully selected and not merely used as space fillers. I must admit that although Chapman’s work has never been in my personal music collection, he’s gained a new fan simply because of the purity of his lyrics.
Three days after I finished Choosing to SEE: A Journey of Struggle and Hope
Mary Beth Chapman may not be a songstress, but she’s shared a story that tucks itself away in your heart like the lyrics of your favorite song.
Choosing to SEE: A Journey of Struggle and Hope
Mary Beth Chapman will be speaking at 12 upcoming Women of Faith conferences this year, as well as on the "A Night with the Chapmans" concert tour scheduled for this fall. She is represented by Creative Trust Literary Group located in Nashville, Tennessee.
For the most updated conference and tour dates, for more information on her blogging and how to connect with her over Facebook and Twitter, please visit: